Keep your produce
in prime condition.


Simple operation.
Low up-front cost.


One of nature's most efficient cleaners, ozone kills airborne and surface microorganisms, shuts down the sporulation process, and consumes ethylene produced by ripening. Leaving produce in optimum condition.  

Because coolstores vary in size and the produce they store, you need to work out the specific details for its usage, to ensure the correct levels of ozone are being pushed into that space.   

Biocool has developed an industry leading ozone control system, that allows us to customise a solution for any food storage operation. This ensures that your goods are ready to go to market in optimum condition. And once your unique settings are programmed in, the system can virtually run by itself.

Why Biocool make perfect sense



Removes ethylene
Disinfects coolstores
Controls fungus & spores
Leaves no residue

Increases storage life
Reduces fruit loss
Prevents quality failures
Low-up front cost